Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sarah Palin's Job Description

So Sarah Palin was in Golden Co. yesterday and stated the priorities she envisions as VP of the United States of America.  I guess she is finished drilling with the campaign advisors on the job description part on how national government is supposed to work. She stated she wants to focus on energy, reform and special needs children.

I think she needs to go back to class with some informed teachers and find other priorities better suited to her history.

How is she going to be an energy leader if she doesn’t believe in Global Warming?

How is she going to be a credible reformer when she refused to participate in an interview with TrooperGate investigators?

How is she (in good conscience) going to be a supporter of special needs when as Governor she cut in half the budget of the Special Olympics and is against stem cell research?  

I figured her nomination was a political grab by McCain to woo the religious right but I think she is going to end up embarrassing them.  No wonder the campaign staff keep her away form the press.  "They" (I used to be a christian fundamentalist) will line up for Obama.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

1 comment:

the Bag Lady said...

Of course she will be a supporter of Special Needs, having a special needs child of her own.
That's not to say that she will be supportive of programs such as stem cell research, only that she will be supportive of giving more money to people who have special needs children. Don't you think?

Congratulations, by the way, for starting a blog. It's highly addictive....